
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's disconcerting when interference interrupts weak signal radio communications, but when it's made by fellow radio amateurs and coincides with attempts to operate when a band conditions are marginal seems both deliberate and malicious in nature.

Whilst this deliberate 'QRMing' behavior has been witnessed on an increasingly frequent basis in QG62 on the 50MHz band, the following screen shots show the nature in which it was being delivered in the last two days.

This is a local station. The carrier signal strength is S9+20.

Friday Oct 12 0012z... VK4CZ operating on 50.100 CW liaising with Phil TI7/N5BEK determining if the path was open on 6m beyond the known TI and FK8 path, when after just a couple of CQ's the carrier transmission commenced moving up and down around the centre frequency of 50.100. Further attempts to

Some 10 minutes later, and following a CQ call on 50.111MHz CW by George VK4AMG the deliberate interference was seen to commence again.

George VK4AMG is seen CQn on 50.111 CW (50.110 SSB) and the carrier effect 'behind'  him.

And Friday Oct 12, 2116z (Sat morning AEST) and after a CQ call... the deliberate transmission of a carrier commenced again.

Whilst I've been witness to a number of poor operator behaviors over the years, the last twelve months I have seen some of the worst on air behavior ever on 6m.

I know as a result my own operating has changed significantly over the last 12 months. Where once I would regularly CQ, now I rarely do choosing to monitor the band and related indicators and avoid the deliberate interference and QRM.

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