
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Do we have a 6m 'International' or 'DX' window?

I've been at home most of the week and listening to the fracas that has become the norm within the 6m International window of the 6m band plan as VKs scramble to work each other.

The highlight of this for me unfolded on Thursday when a VK5 calling "CQ DX" on CW refused to answer a VK4, and subsequently was played out on line via a chat site where each operator traded blows... to their mutual, but not realised, embarrassment!

The rationale provided by the VK5 was simply (and aligned to the band plan), that VK4 wasn't considered DX by the VK5. This generated a very negative response from the VK4 (who's relatively recently returned to 6m having been off air for some time) to this astounded me... he argued that the VK5 should have answered his reply, as his definition of DX included anyone, even a station in "Rocky" (still located in the VK4 call area)!

And whilst simply referring the VK4 to the recommended band plan would highlight the feeble and whimsical nature of his argument, this highlighted to me that the issue can't be resolved as the inference that the window is for 'DX' now permeates the psyche of most 6m operators deeply.

Every year the debate rages about the continued dominance of domestic traffic within the International aligned window, and its impact on those who are there looking for the non-domestic long haul contacts. And whilst I am still in total disagreement with the argument described above by the VK4, I believe that the argument may have cemented the reason why this issue remains... while ever we keep referring to the International window as the 'DX window', the issue wont go away as it is open to individual interpretation based on ones own belief as to the definition of DX!
Another very quiet morning on 50MHz MS, just one completed Q:

Worked was:
Peter VK5PJ @ 2015z (RST51) 1,547km - 50.200MHz

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Very quiet morning Saturday. Only one complete Q made on 50MHz MS, that was:

Peter VK5PJ @ 2033z (RST51) 1,547km - 50.200MHz

Monday, December 5, 2011

Momentous day (Wednesday AEST).. analog TV switched off in regional QLD. RTQ0 switched off at exactly 2300z. S9 audio and video reduced to zero instantly! Feel like we've lost something.... an old friend and foe has gone. RIP RTQ0!

Now, I'm over than moment of emotion.....  we need to get Tamworth off the air so we can regain full access to 50 - 51MHz!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

All attention has been to the Pacific, with very little time spent on meteor scatter. But this morning completed a number of Q's on MS. Worked were:

Brad VK2QO @ 1923z (RS55) 826km - 28.340MHz
Brad VK2QO @ 1932z (RS57) 826km - 28.340MHz
John VK5PO @ 1953z (RST559) 1,583km - 50.200MHz
Norm VK3DUT @ 2018z (RS57) 1,253km - 50.200MHZ
Brad VK2QO @ 2038z (RS53) 826km - 50.200MHz

And with that my attention will go back to the north west Pacific again for the greater part of the day!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

So close, but yet so far... another day where the VK2 and VK3 stations were working into Central America and yet we had nothing this far north. Heard TI5XP twice on CW and once on SSB but always too low in signal to complete a QSO.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Been a while since I posted anything here.... it is reflective of my participation in 50MHz MS of late. Working a couple of stations now, and will report later in the morning.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Orionids meteor shower 'turned up' and played today... some good Qs completed. Here's Sunday morning's summary.

Worked were:
Peter VK5PJ @ 1921z (RS54) 1547km
Dave VK7DD @ 1924z (RS51)  1,683km

Norm VK3DUT @ 1943z (RS52) 1,253kmDave VK7DD @ 1945z (RS57)  1,683km
Brad VK2QO @  2040z (RS51) 826km
I have been planning on installing a new 5 element 10m mono-band yagi, and it was to be installed on the 17m Hills tower in readiness for this years CQWW.

But bad WX over the last month has meant that time has not been kind to me. So taking a hit and ignoring my pride this morning I I installed on the small tower that holds my 5 element 15m mono-band yagi.... it's only temporary!

Getting ready to install... ride-on trailers come in so handy!

In its temporary new home!
I had expected conditions on 50MHz MS to have been OK today as we were starting to pas through the Oriodnids shower. But it started very slowly, but finished reasonably good wit a number of completed Qs delivering good signal strengths!

Here's this morning's summary
Norm VK3DUT @ 1913z (RS55) 1,253km
Peter VK5PJ @ 1918z (RS51) 1547km
Peter VK5PJ @ 1930z (RS57) 1547km
Dave VK7DD @ 2024z (RS51)  1,683km
Frank VK7DX @ 2024z (RS55) 1,719km
Brian VK4EK @ 2039z (RS51) 676km

Heard at times were:
Brad VK2QO

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Very poor conditions this weekend for 50MHz MS. Whilst there were a few completed Qs reported, the numbers were well down on normal.

Worked Sunday morning was:
Peter VK5PJ @ 2026z (RS51) 1,547km

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Limited 50MHz MS activity this morning... got distracted when I realised that FK8CP was working Central America... Remi FK8CP was a good RST519 on scatter with MS enhancements, and I was convinced I heard TI7/N5BEK!

List following is what was worked via MS this morning:
Brad VK2QO @ 1947z (RS55) 826km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2019z (RS51) 1,253km
Frank VK7DX @ 2031z (RS51) 1,719km

Will be monitoring the path across the Pacific today... great early indications!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Following is a summary of 50MHz MS activity for the week ending October 7 (UTC).

Friday Oct 7 (AEST)

50MHz MS conditions were very poor.. only one Q completed in the time I had available.

Worked was:
Frank VK7DX @ 1956z (RS53) 1,719km

Saturday Oct 8 (AEST)
A large approaching thunderstorm provided heaps of QRN, but two Qs were completed before the lightning got too close.

Worked were:
Norm VK3DUT @ 1942z (RS52) 1,253km
Peter VK5PJ @ 1947z (RS51) 1,547km

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bit the bullet and introduced a new rig to the shack.... an IC-7600. The 1st new rig in the shack for years!

Monday, October 3, 2011

A quick summary of 50MHz operations last two days...

Monday Oct 2

No MS worked, but during the afternoon TEP opening I ran 6m WSPR and 'completed' with JG1KGS... see screenshot below of the first RX report.

Confirmation of just how much drift was received from JG1KGS, with this scree grab from the JA end of the path.

Tuesday Oct 3

50MHz MS conditions were still poor.. Frequent short pings from the VK7 stations were heard that produced delivered single letters/syllables. But one good burn was experienced producing a couple of completed Qs. Worked were:

Frank VK7DX @ 2018z (RS52) 1,719km
Joe VK7JG @ 2018z (RS51) 1,651km

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Poor 50MHz MS condx continued into Sunday morning... worked were:

Peter VK5PJ @ 2036z (RS52) 1,547km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2110z (RS57) 1,547km

TEP condx returned just on midday, with 26 x JA and 1 x HL stations worked.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Holidays interrupted the normal 50MHz MS operations from VK4CZ, but even still I did get the chance during that time only had on opportunity to operate portable from a couple of locations. Here's a photo of the operating location at St George... right on the banks of the Balonne River.

Ozi-Pole (white coloured dipole) just above roof of Patrol.

Since being back 50MHz MS condx have been very poor. Here's a quick summary:

Friday 29 Sept. Worked were:
Dave VK7DD @ 2044z (RS51) 1,683km
Frank VK7DX @ 2044z (RS55) 1,719km
Dave VK7DD @ 2045z (RS52) 1,683km

Saturday 30 Sept. Worked  was:
Frank VK7DX @ 2059z (RS51) 1,719km

Saturday, September 17, 2011

6m MS conditions this morning weren't too favorable but did produce a couple of completed Qs. They were:

Brad VK2QO @ 1939z (RS51) 826km
Frank VK7DX @ 2027z (RS51 - 53) 1,719km

Also heard was:
Gavin VK3HY @ 2010z (RST519) 1,366km

Friday, September 16, 2011

Conditions last weekend for 50MHz MS were poor. The following is a summary of those worked:

Sunday (Sat 10/9 UTC)
Frank VK7DX @ 2013z (RS51)1,719km
Brian VK4EK @ 2100z (RS51) 676km
Brad VK2QO @ 2104Z (RS51) 826km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2105z (RS51) 1,547km

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Interesting condx on 6m MS over the weekend. Both days produced frequent very short pings, but very few burns that would sustain a completed Q. However, even with these conditions a few Q's were completed.

Saturday (2/9 UTC)
Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @  2001z (RS55) 826km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2033z (RS57) 1,253km
Frank VK7DX @ 2103z (RS53) 1,719km

Sunday (3/9 UTC)
Brad VK2QO @  2039z (RS51) 826km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2039z (RS51) 1,253km
Frank VK7DX @ 2042z (RS55) 1,719km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2058z (RS51) 1547km
Brad VK2QO @  2123z (RS51) 826km
Joe VK7JG @ 2132z (RS51) 1651km

Friday, September 2, 2011

Slack! That's all I can say.... realised I didn't provide a summary of MS activity at all last weekend. So before this weekends activity gets started, here's a wrap up!

Saturday (26/8 UTC)
Worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 2006 (RS52) 1,719km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2122 (RS51) 1,253km

Sunday (27/8 UTC)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2117 (RS51) 1547km
Brian VK5BC @ 2141 (RS51) 1,570km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2150 (RS53) 1,253km

What did take some of my time (radio wise) over the weekend was the commencement of the new 10m yagi build. Boom and elements have now been assembled (see below), and hopefully installation will occur at end Sept.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Just a few Qs Saturday morning made via 50MHz MS.

Worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 2023 (RS55) 1,719km
Brad VK2QO @ 2024 (RS51)  826km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2112 (RS51) 1,547km

Brian VK5BC and his wife Pam are spending time traveling down the east coast, and stopped at 'Yarragib' for the evening... the afternoon was spent talking six metres with (from left to right) Peter VK4APG, Alan VK4WR, myself, Campbell VK4CZ 2nd op, Phil VK4FIL and Brian VK5BC.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Limited opportunity to be involved in 50MHz MS this weekend... a very brief stint at the controls early Saturday before going camping produced a single good contact

Worked was:
Dave VK7DD @ 1939z (RS51) 1,683km

Using the OziPole multi-band dipole, I operated portable for Sat and Sunday from Flanagan's Reserve but only completed one Q Sunday morning:
Alan VK4WR @ 2132z (RS54) ~50km

Also heard was
Brad VK2QO @ 2144z (RS52) 815km

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Compared to yesterday, a quick start to 50MHz MS activity today, with some sustained condx allowing some good completed Q to be's this mornings activity summary from QG62lp.

Sunday August7
Worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 1947 (RS57) 1,719km
Brad VK2QO @ 1948 (RS51)  826km
Brad VK2QO @ 2051 (RS51)  826km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2106 (RS54) 1,547km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2109 (RS55) 1,253km

Heard was:
Brian VK4EK
Dave VK7DD

Friday, August 5, 2011

A slow start to 50MHz MS activity today....Here's the total of this mornings activity from QG62lp.

Saturday August 6
Worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 2036 (RS57) 1,719km
Frank VK7DX @ 2042 (RS57) 1,719km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2140 (RS51) 1,253km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2141 (RS51) 1,547km
OK the challenge has been set! What is the oldest photo of you using your radio gear?

Here's Brad VK2QO in the late 1970s!

And Scott VK4CZ (then VK2JSR) in the mid 1980s!
I'll need to find a VK2XGM photo!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Finally remembered I hadn't provided a summary of 50MHz MS contacts from Sunday! Here they are:

Sunday July 31
Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2027 (RS51) 826km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2051 (RS55) 1,253km
Brad VK2QO @ 2103 (RS51) 826km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2126 (RS55) 1,253km
Dave VK7DD @ 2139 (RS51) 1,683km

Heard was:
Brian VK4EK (RS51) 676km

Saturday, July 30, 2011

50MHz MS were not what was to be expected from the Southern Delta Aquariids shower, but some very good bursts were experienced and resulting in a few completed Qs . Here's the total of yesterdays activity.

Saturday July 30
Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2003 (RS52) 826km
Trevor VK3VG @ 2048 (RS51) 1,242km
Brian VK4EK @ 2109 (RS51) 676km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2114 (RS55) 1,253km

It was also great to work Trevor VK3VG from Kyabram for the first time via meteor scatter.
Gees... I've just been called banana's due to the drift in my WSPR signal on 10m.... at least I can be proud of it!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Condx for 50MHz MS remained poor this weekend, and only one good Q completed. Here's the sum total of the weekends MS activities.

Saturday July 23
Worked was
Joe VK7JG @ 2106z (RS59)

Heard was:
Brad VK2QO (RS51) 826km

Sunday July 24
Heard was:
Brad VK2QO (RS51) 826km

Monday, July 18, 2011

Some interesting effects on the 10m WSPR signals reported over the weekend between Phil VK4FIL and myself with dramatic variations in signal being seen.

VK4FIL as rx'ed at VK4CZ

VK4CZ as rx'ed by VK4FIL

The effect is thought to have been due to planes crossing mid-point between the two stations, but any other thoughts would be appreciated.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Whilst condx on 50MHz MS were poor, some very good bursts were noted and a few good Qs completed. Here's the sum total of the weekends activities.

Saturday July 16
Worked were:
Darrell VK2BLS @ 2029 (RS57) 824km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2133z (RS55) 1547km

Heard was:
Brad VK2QO (RS51) 826km

Sunday July 17
Worked were:
Peter VK5PJ @ 2109z (RS51) 1547km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2110z (RS57) 1547km

Friday, July 15, 2011

Nothing to report last weekend... spent the time in glorious Townsville at the V8 Supercar racing!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday morning 50MHz MS was not a whole lot different to Saturday, with the Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower only producing short burns and few good quality Qs.

Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2050z (RS51) 826km

Peter VK5PJ @ 2143z (RS55) 1547km

Heard was also (and for a special mention)
Brian VK4EK 676km

Later in the day a Sporadic E opening also allowed me to complete my first ever 50MHz WSPR contact with Glenn VK7AB:

2011-07-03 04:38 VK7AB 50.294581 +8 0 QE37ne 5 VK4CZ QG62lp 1798 19
2011-07-03 0504 11 -0.3 50.294473 4 VK4CZ QG62 40

And since then I've been running WSPR across a range of HF bands.... with 20m (currently running) producing the best results as can be seen with the following screen grab.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday morning was a little quiet, with the Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower producing short burns that produced a few good quality Qs.

Worked were:
Norm VK3DUT @ 2054z (RS55) 1253km
Joe VK7JG @ 2116z (RS55) 1651km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2143z (RS55) 1547km

Heard was also:
Brad VK2QO 826km

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Made a big decision today.... and am now 'active' on WSPR!

I know Brad VK2QO will now look at me in a different light, but given so many radio amateurs are WSPRing every day I just had to try it for my self.

Initial thoughts.... software was very easy to set-up. Within a few minutes of it being loaded I had received my first WSPR signals, and soon after that I was linked to the WSPR Net and I could see who was hearing me and who I'd heard.

So, will I continue with it.... maybe! It certainly doesn't leave you with the thrill of operating and 'cracking' a new one through a huge EU pile-up, but the idea of running WSPR when at otherwise busy or at QRL does hold some appeal!
Sunday morning 50MHz MS didn't produce the same amazing burn as experienced yesterday, but still did deliver some good quality completed Qs.

Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2016z (RS55) 826km
Frank VK7DX @ 2052z (RS57) 1719km
David VK3AUU @ 2107z (RS55) 1374km

Friday, June 24, 2011

This morning's 50MHz MS featured a burn that almost was beyond description... a single event that produced signals of up to RS59 for a period of nearly 3 minutes!

Worked were:

Frank VK7DX @ 2017z (RS54) 1719km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2027z (RS57) 1253km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2102z (RS55) 1253km
Joe VK7JG @ 2102z (RS54) 1650km
David VK3AUU @ 2102z (RS58) 1374km

Brad VK2QO @ 2103z (RS53) 826km

Also heard at 2102z were
Brian VK4EK (RS54) 676km
John VK2FAD (RS53) 667km

During the 2102z burn David VK3AUU and Norm VK3DUT both were heard working other stations with signals exceeding RS59. Fantastic... it's what its all about!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday night I made the rash decision to participate in the Winter VHF/UHF Field Day. Now the need to decide on where to go had to be filled.... criteria - somewhere close (within 50km), elevated (over 500mASL) and not too many people... made that decision easy with Mt Mee State Forest and Kluvers Lookout fitting the criteria.

Byron Creek Road - Mt Byron and Kluvers Lookout

The first obstacle would be the closed gates..... two were encountered, preventing access to Kulvers Lookout.
 We pressed on and set-up at the edge of the road about 5km north of our intended location at grid locator QG62iv.

10 element DL6WU 144MHz Yagi at ~5m AGL

A total of 437 points for 17 Qs on both 144 & 432MHz... best contact was with VK2FWB near Tenterfield in Northern NSW (QG50xw). No winning scores, but a bit of fun.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday was a fun morning on 50MHz MS, and whilst conditions weren't the best some good Qs were completed. They included:

Dave VK7DD @ 2043z (RS52) 1683km
Frank VK7DX @ 2044z (RS53) 1719km
Brad VK2QO @ 2054z (RS53) 826km
David VK3AUU @ 2111z (RS57) 1374km
David VK3AUU @ 2129z (RS52) 1374km

Winter Es also were experienced in the afternoon, and the following stations worked:
ZL4DK @ 0301z
ZL4LV @ 0303z
ZL3ADT @ 0312z
ZL3MH @ 0312z
VK7DX @ 0659z

Sunday, June 12, 2011

This weekend's 50MHz MS activity has been interesting. Characterised by many short sharp burns that unfortunately didn't produce too many completed Qs.

Following is a  summary of what was worked from here in QG62lp:

Saturday morning,worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 2029z (RS51) 1719km
Brad VK2QO @ 2031z (RS55) 826km
Frank VK7DX @ 2037z (RS52) 1719km
Brad VK2QO @ 2121z (RS55) 826km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2125z (RS51) 1253km

Sunday morning, worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 2057z (RS53) 1719km
Dave VK7DD @ 2105z (RS51) 1683km

Monday morning, worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 2027z (RS51) 1719km
Frank VK7DX @ 2033z (RS51) 1719km
David VK3AUU @ 2037z (RS52) 1374km

Heard and uncompleted Qs were also:
Dave VK7DD - heard providing RS58 report

Sunday, June 5, 2011

No amateur radio this weekend... so nil to report. Spent two great days at Landcruiser Mountain Park playing with the non-radio toy!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

50.200 was a wash with signals this morning during the normal 50MHz MS sked period... a great level of activity, that unfortunately did not producing too many Qs.

Worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 2017z (RS52) 1719km
David VK3AUU @ 2020z (RS52) 1374km

Whilst normally I just provide an update about the condx experienced on 50MHz MS, I'm taking a moment today to raise my concern relating to some of the 'team'. It's now very obvious that some of them have started pursuits which may be distracting them, and in turn placing their own safety at risk....

Frank VK7DX planking on his tower!
Saturday was not a great morning for 50MHz MS activity. Whilst a few stations were heard, few were worked.

Worked were:
David VK3AUU @ 2058z (RS51) 1374km
David VK3AUU @ 2116z (RS52) 1374km

Friday, May 27, 2011

Catching up... just posting last Sunday morning's 50MHz MS contacts!

Worked were:
David VK3AUU @ 2125 (RS51) 1373km
Frank VK7DX @ 2128 (RS51) 1719km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2132 (RS55) 1547km

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A quiet morning in terms of local signal impact om 50MHz MS today, but what also started out slowly ended in a crescendo with some good Qs completed!

Worked were:
Glen VK7AB @ 2017 (RS52) 1795km
Frank VK7DX @ 2017 (RS57) 1719km
David VK3AUU @ 2018 (RS53) 1373km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2118 (RS52)
Norm VK3DUT @ 2122 (RS58)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2132 (RS59) 1546km
Brad VK2QO @ 2140 (RS54) 826km
Frank VK7DX @ 2142 (RS52) 1719km
Phil VK2FIL @ 2149 (RS52) 795km

Friday, May 13, 2011

Activity this morning on 50MHz MS was poor. Although the occasional burn was reported few contacts resulted. Against all reports I've decided to also add distances to provide some references to the path lengths.

Worked was:

Frank VK7DX @ 2036z (RS52) 1719km

Heard was:
Brad VK2QO @ 2045z (RS51) 826km

I just realised that I hadn't posted the results from last Sunday. It was definitely more successful.

Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2044z (RS51) 826km
Brad VK2QO @ 2100z (RS53) 826km
Glen VK7AB @ 2101z (RS51) 1795km
Frank VK7DX @ 2102z (RS52) 1719km
Brian VK4EK @ 2105z (RS55) 676km
David VK3AUU @ 2110z ((RS55) 1373km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2130z (RS54) 1546km

Saturday, May 7, 2011

This morning 50MHz MS activity stepped up a gear, and with more activity from SE VK4 and the resulting QRM impacting effective MS operations, the simple solution was to spread out.... something that on HF and during TEP and F2 openings you do naturally, but we hadn't used that thinking on MS.

I moved to 50.180, announced I was calling there on the chat pages and it proved immediately successful.

Worked were:
Frank VK7DX @ 2049 (RS51)
Frank VK7DX @ 2045 (RS52)
Frank VK7DX @ 2106 (RS51)
Frank VK7DX @ 2108 (RS57)
Brian VK4EK @  2112 (RS51)
Norm VK3DUT @ 2128 (RS53)

Heard was:
Brad VK2QO

In future when the QRM exists, I'll announce my QRG on the various chat pages and call there.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Great TEP opening on 50MHz this afternoon.

Many JA signals over RS59. 37 JAs logged here between 0700z and 07343, but the best surprise was working Li BA4SI @ 0725z RS57 both ways.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Been a while since I participated in the morning 50MHz MS activity, but today had a chance to operate without the recent QRM.

Worked were:
Glenn VK7AB @ 2017z
Brad VK2QO @ 2025z

Heard was:
Frank VK7DX @ 2100

Yesterday the day was spent dropping and sawing up a gum tree that had grown up into the 20m yagi (resulting in a bent reflector). Antenna now in the clear.



And now there's no excuse for the antennas being out of alignment.... next job!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nothing worked at all on 50MHz MS this weekend. Some good signals received and reported. No completes achieved.

It's not that condx were poor, merely down on normal. However the reemergence of activity from QG63 in this time slot precludes too much activity from QG62.

Whilst MS has been less than pleasurable, the condx on TEP and potential F2 paths gives hope for some more interesting paths to be exploited. The reception of E2 48.250 video signals here in QG62lp from the Middle East last night was exciting... they were weak but they were there!

Currently as I type I have Remi FK8CP on 50.110 CW RST419 on a backscatter path with my yagi at 90 degrees - but with regular MS enhancement lifting his signal to RST519/529 for short bursts.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Things started slow on 50MHz MS this morning, but improved.

Completed contacts:
Peter VK5PJ @ 2044z (RS51)
John VK5PO @ 2044z (RS52)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2045z (RS59)

Friday, March 25, 2011

This morning's 50MHz MS was slow going with a few rocks producing short pings and bursts, but few long enough to enable competed Qs.

Only one completed contact:

Frank VK7DX @ 2006z (RS51)

Monday, March 21, 2011

The 49.750MHz TV Video signals that eminate from Asiatic Russia and China are a well known prop indicator for TEP paths. Here's a video of the UA TV (Russia) video taken on March 13, 2011.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Whilst this mornings 50MHz MS activity which produced lot's of pings, few Qs were completed.

Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2026z (RS51)
Norm VK3DUT @ 2040z (RS55 - 57)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2127z (RS51)

Heard only were:
Gavin VK3HY

Friday, March 18, 2011

Apparently we're passing through the peak of the gamma Normids, beta Leonids, delta Mensids and the eta Virginids showers!

But on a morning that started slowly with few contacts, some great 50MHz MS contacts with good strength have been completed. Here's a quick summary:

Brad VK2QO @ 1943z (RS57)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2023z (RS51)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2041z (RS59)
Norm VK3DUT @ 2049z (RS51)
Norm VK3DUT @ 2055z (RS55 - 59)
Joe VK7JG @ 2133z (RS52)
Joe VK7JG @ 2134z (RS57)
Frank VK7DX @ 2134z (RS55)

Also heard (many times) but not worked this morning included:

Gavin VK3HY (CW)

Friday, March 11, 2011

This mornings 50MHz MS provided some reception reports, but no completes!

Both Frank VK7DX and Brad VK2QO were heard calling CQ, but Joe VK7JG was best signal with both Joe and I hearing each other however we were still unable to complete. Maybe tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Saturday's TEP opening was an entre into another on Sunday. Whilst not as wide spread, and the signals not as strong the thrill of working TEP was still there... albeit a little more contained.

And, with XV1X being reported Monday afternoon working JAs the thoughts of more TEP and the potential for F2 paths opening as the cycle improves inspiring - almost.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Very quiet condx this morning on 50MHz MS...only the one completed QSO with Frank VK7DX @ 2028z (RS51).

Saturday afternoon the TEP on 50MHz between JA and VK was very good. Just over 60 JA stations worked in about 45 minutes with signals between RS55 and RS59++. Starting 0516z JA call areas 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 were worked - station shut down at 0549z but band remained open for at least another hour.

Great fun, and a reminder of what 6m DX'ing is all about!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Good condx on 50MHz MS this morning, regardless of the fact that we are not in a typically good shower period.

Complete Q's were made with: Brad VK2QO @ 1946z (RS51); Joe VK7JG @ 2019z (RS52); Norm VK3DUT @ 2021z (RS53) and Frank VK7DX @ 2029z (RS51).

Other stations heard by not completed with were John VK2FAD, and VK2KDP (first time heard on 6m MS).

Saturday, February 26, 2011

50MHz MS condx were down, but showed great promise.

Whilst the only completed Q was with Brad VK2QO @ 2043z (RS51), many very short and intense pings and burns were heard. On many occassions pings lifted both Frank VK7DX and Joe VK7JG to RS55 for part or whole of their CQ calls.

Tomorrow's another day... and hopefully a few completed Qs!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Been a couple of weeks since I was in the shack.... and on Saturday morning I wasn't rewarded with great condx. A very quiet morning on 50MHz MS. Only a few weak scatter signals heard from Brad VK2QO and Frank VK7DX.... but nothing that supported a completed Q.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Whilst today's 50MHz MS was a little better than yesterday, it didn't deliver any completed Q's. Heard this morning were Frank VK7DX @ 2007z (RS51), Brad VK2QO @ 2017z (RS51) and VK2QO again @ 2019z (RS54).

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Brad VK2QO has said that February would be a poor month for 50MHz MS... and today proved him right!

No beacons, no stations heard!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What started as a slow morning with few meteor enhancements providing regular short pings, ended up delivering some strong and effective burns that enabled a few completed Qs to occur.

Worked were Brad VK2QO @ 2006z (RS57), Norm VK3DUT @ 2006z (RS57) and VK2QO again @ 2009z (RS57).

Heard throughout this mornings session were: Wayne VK4WTN @ 1955z (RS51) on ground-wave; and Frank VK7DX regularly (RS51) but never long enough to complete.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A very quiet morning for 50MHz MS - only the VK2RSY beacon heard.

After 10 years at this QTH, I've finally decided to get my 12 element 144MHz and 26 element 432MHz DL6WU yagi's onto a tower and get active (albeit selectively) on these bands.

The 432MHz yagi driven element and feed were replaced earlier today (as per the photo's below).

The 144MHz yagi will be done soon!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A poor start to 50MHz MS today. Few pings received and no Qs completed. Brad VK2QO was heard @ 2057z (RST539).

Reports of my TX's were received from Frank VK7DX @ 1944z (RS51) and then by Brad VK2QO @ 2015z (RS51).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

An interesting day for 6m propagation. Enhanced propagation into the north Pacific with VK2, VK3, VK5 and VK7 working KH6. KH7Y heard here weakly at RST519, but QRM from domestic traffic too much to try and complete.

The day got even more interesting when the MUF of Es extended well past the 144MHz band. I quickly mounted the FT-857 into the back of the truck and instantly heard Norm VK3DUT RS59 with QSB icw Adrian VK4OX just using the Maldol 1/2w mounted on the rear door.

Just as I set-up the 'field day' 144MHz yagi on the driveway (as below), and the band closed!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A flood crisis in Brisbane, and we've closed down the QRL for a few days... so in between logging in for work to assess what impact we will face, I've had the chance to monitor 50MHz/6m.

Whilst nothing new to much note, some positive signs for another SSSP opening between ZL/VK and OA with Bob ZL2RS hearing Jack OA4TT within the 2300 - 2400z window on CW. I monitored and had CW signals at 3db above the imagination at one stage... but still convinced that it was real!

Later in the day E51USA beacon was received, and at 0222z worked Victor E51CG (RS57). Then at 0414z H44DA was worked (RS53) and to wrap up the day, Willem DU7/PA0HIP was worked at0504z (RS53).

But as this all happens, the city of Brisbane continues to be impacted by a flood crisis not seen since the 1974 floods. Our hearts go out to those impacted... including at least two members of the local 6m community who's house was inundated in the early hours of the day, and wait to see what the impact has been, with the river peak to be felt at 04:00am Thursday morning AEST.

Below is the creek in the valley just near our property taken last night....
Normally just a quiet  1m deep, 5m wide flow!

Please take care and stay safe!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

MS condx on 50MHz this morning were poor. While some pings produced good signal strengths, their duration was often far too short.

Worked today was Brad VK2QO @ 2030z (RS51) and again @ 214z (RS53). Although Glenn VK7AB reported hearing me, no Qs were completed.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A great start to 50MHz MS activity this morning! Some good signals received on 50.200MHz as well as an increase in the number of participants in VK4 was heartening to see - welcome to 50MHz MS Charlie VK4YZ and Chris VK4FR.

Glenn VK7AB @ 2015 (RS57) was first in the log, followed by Brad VK2QO @ 2015z (RS55) and then Frank VK7DX @ 2032z (RS55).

Interesting conditions commenced around 2030z... a combination of MS and Es. Base level signals were being supported by an Es like mode, with significant increases in the signal levels being supported by Es. VK7AB was reporting me with signals of RS59, and Frank VK7DX was also being received with signals of up to RS59.

At 2040z the Es commenced to dominate, and John VK7XX was constant RS59.

Groundwave to Wayne VK4WTN was also good, with Wayne maintaining a good RS53-55 signal most of the morning, and also easily rx'ed off the back of the yagi.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nice surprise - arrived home early from QRL and on checking VKLogger saw that Willem DU7/PA0HIP had worked Alan VK4WR.... a quick connect of the radio equipment and tuning to 50.105MHz SSB and Willem was worked RS57 both ways (@ 0833z). Although not a new DXCC it was nice to work DU for the first time this cycle.

Monday, January 3, 2011

No 50MHz MS this morning... 4WD'ing last night and arrived home at 2am

..... slept in a bit as a result

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Condx this morning were well down on normal. Only Brad VK2QO @ 2029z (RS55) heard on a very short MS burn... not long enough to complete. Es started early and attention shifted.