What an afternoon - weather was poor and spent too much time by the radio listening to propagation indicators from New Zealand to provide any hope for ZL8X.
Finally around 0240z the first of the NZ TV1 audio signals were rx'ed. At this time local activity was concentrating on VK3 and VK3 Es paths. ZL1SWW was first worked at 0346z. This patter continued for the afternoon with ZL TV being received and then QSBing down.
At 0715z ZL8X first appeared. Bob ZL1RS was reporting them and a scatter signal was heard. Weak CW about RST419 at best, but there. At 0723z Alan VK4WR worked ZL8X on CW. Path differences were obvious as they had faded to nothing while Alan worked them. And at 0724z there signal rose quickly and I bagged ZL8X on CW. I immediately called them on SSB and at 0725z I also completed an SSB QSO. Another new 6m DXCC. The first for 8 years.
While all this was happening local traffic still was working domestic and ZL stations.... that all changed quickly. ZL8X was then easily workable from the eastern seaboard of VK for the next 2 1/2 hours. Amazing condx.
Now for ZL7A today!
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