
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Nice to hear Remi FK8CP CQn on 50.1106 just now.... even if only RST419 by scatter.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Put a third monitor on the desk (for VHF/UHF digital comms) and it's just a tad crowded now. Must get the shelf built for the operating position in the shack..... been on the to do list since I built the desk 10 years ago!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Good 50MHz MS conditions this morning. Frank VK7DX, Norm VK3DUT, Oly VK3XDX and Peter VK5PJ all worked on SSB.

Oly VK3XDX currently on CW and signal almost constant via forward scatter.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fantastic.... Leigh VK2KRR msg'ed me that Adrian was working Bob ZL3TY on 144.1 CW.. I could hear Bob on CW, but my 100W just not enough. A QSY to 144.23 on JT65B and we completed... 100w barefoot, no RX preamp here.
Now listenig to Adrian VK4OX working Bob on 144.1 CW... Bob 419 here, Adrian giving 579. That's what 550mASL does for you.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Gary VK8AW teasing us with reports of the A47RB beacon RST529 and Dave A92IO RST559 on 50MHz at just after 1330z.

Finally got the rack into the shack, mounted SSPAs and made new patch cables, etc.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Great AE condx on 70cm this morning with Grant VK2MAX peaking RS53 and I received RS57.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Watching AirScout on the path to Grant VK2MAX... five planes in the 'hot spot'... most I've ever seen!

Pic below captured when four where present... missed grabbing screen shot of the 5!

Finally signs of life back on 6m. Remi FK8CP CQn on 50.1106 this morning.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Another attempt to work Steve VK2ZT on 70cm via AE.. at one stage there were two planes in the 'hot spot' and another two approaching. Steve reported me at RS51 but again the best I could do was tell that there was weak SSB.... must get RX LNA in line!

Tried to extend the 432MHz AE path today. At 2135z heard Steve VK2ZT on 432.2 when he was working Rod VK4ARN.
And when we tried again on the next plane @ 2200z, Steve VK2ZT reported hearing me RS51, but best I could report was weak SSB in the noise!
Later at 2250z worked Grant VK2MAX RS52, report to me RS57.