
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Attempted to work Wayne VK2XN on 432.225MHz using JT65B yesterday. Whilst a couple of weak traces were observed, no decodes were achieved.

We QSYed to 144.225MHz and quickly achieved decodes, but a local 'birdie' commenced that completely prevented further decodes being achieved.
Another QSY to 144.224MHz and the contact was completed.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Took a few moments this morning to finally finish off the 2.4GHz DL6WU yagi in preparation for the uWave Activity Day on July 28.
The yagi now has a boom to mast clamp to enable it to be mounted just below the 1,296MHz DL6WU yagi on a portable mast for field operations.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Finished the Field Day station battery box set-up today with the 30amp Anderson Plug distribution box completed... now the first in-field test will be the VK4 uWave Activity Day on Sunday July 28.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Step by step.... the next step completed in component acquisition for the 2.4GHz tvtr build... Dow-key SMA relay arrived.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ran 144MHz WSPR again on sunset this evening, and the path to Wayne VK2XN proved to be fruitful yet again.
But after leaving the gear running while preparing dinner, John VK4MJF had started up and I was amazed to see the impact of air craft creating Doppler impacts on his signal.

Another morning trying digital modes on 144MHz with Wayne VK2XN... first WSPR and was again able to get the path.

Then on JT65B.. and completed with Wayne VK2XN.

Friday, June 14, 2013

With the moon at 23o elevation, I was surprised to be getting decodes from Lance W7GJ on 50.315MHz while he's calling Randson BV2DQ.
But when the moon was at 26o I was able to still see great traces and decode Lance W7GJ.

With the moon at 23o elevation, I was surprised to be getting decodes from Lance W7GJ on 50.315MHz while he's calling Randson BV2DQ.
But when the moon was at 26o I was able to still see great traces and decode Lance W7GJ.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Absolutely ecstatic! Just been heard on 144MHz WSPR by Frank VK4FLR in QG56jr (Zilzie) @ -16db.

From the WSPR Spot Database:
2013-06-12 10:20  VK4CZ 144.489551 -16 1 QG62lp 50 VK4FLR QG56jr 504 334

A path of 504km....

Poor WX here today saw me 'waste' the day away playing digital modes on 144MHz. First mode was WSPR... with both Col VK4MIL and Wayne VK2XN received.
Then Wayne VK2XN and I QSYed to JT65B... although I regularly heard Wayne, he wasn't able to hear me.
What was most surprising is the path.

Wayne modeled it using the AirScout aircraft enhancement prediction software, and whilst we can see an optimal position for aircraft the terrain we're battling against was the stand out for me!

Monday, June 10, 2013

First ever ISCAT-A contact... tnx Col VK4MIL

Had the chance to run FSK441 on 144.230MHz this morning and completed a Q with Arie VK3AMZ.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The 2.4GHz journey... step 2.

Spectrian 30w PA has arrived (thanks Rod VK4KZR)... SMA relays have been ordered (including one for a 10GHz project too!!!)

Friday, June 7, 2013

The journey to a new band has begun. The VK3XDK 2.4GHZ transverter kit have arrived.
A Spectrian 30w PA unit will arrive over the weekend... other parts have also been ordered. Fun times ahead!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ran FSK441 on 144.230MHz this morning and completed a Q with Peter VK5PJ
Nice considering my max power output was only about 75w.