
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Walked into the shack, just as who ever this was stopped their call.
Interesting multi-path/Doppler effect very clearly shown.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The start of the analogue switch off in ZL today with the two South Island transmitters going QRT. Bob ZL1RS was quick off the mark, modifying his TV TX map to show their demise!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Great to chat with (LtoR) Adam VK4GHZ, Col VK5DK, Trevor VK5NCand Kevin VK4UH over a coffee at KJ's QTH this afternoon.
Solved all sorts of issues ;)
Further progress on the 432MHz amplifier was made today... all of the coaxial leads were completed and installed (yet to be tidied up completely). Smoke test tomorrow with IC-910H as exciter!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An interesting experiment.. Ross VK2DVZ ran a keyer on even minute sequences on 1296.150MHz Here's a couple of screen grabs from SpecLab of the trace seen.

Once Ross stopped, Grant VK2MAX started running a beacon on 1296.200. Good traces from Grant heard, including a whistle (see top of second screen shot).

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Progress being made on the new 70cm linear for use here. First power up tests of the RF deck have delivered required output. I've now moved onto the preparation of the ancillary work to have it operate as an amateur service amplifier. The first of these has been the testing and mounting of the sequencer which was assembled a few months back.

Here's a quick video of the sequencer being tested...

And the now the sequencer has been mounted on 20mm stand-offs inside the amplifier case (prior to wiring it up).

Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm losing count now of how many times I've now heard this beacon, but yet to work the DXCC... KH9/WA2YUN beacon 50.014MHz RST 419 agn tonight... workable if a 'human' were active.

The moon is at -17 degrees, and have set up to monitor for 6m EME once the moon achieves MR here in QG62lp... but am already hearing (yes, audible signals) JT65A signals in the second sequence.
It may be Remi FK8CP trying for an EME Q, or possibly a ZL. Given the regularity of the scatter path observed between here and Remi I'm going to bet it's him!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Once again, the KH9/WA2YUN 50.014 beacon is being heard RST529... but no human!

JA pile-up calling V63DX on 50.109... no signs of V63DX here.

Interesting multipath or Doppler effect on Paul VK4MA CQn on 50.1106 currently...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Scatter from Remi improved this morning over past few days. FK8CP RST519 50.1106

Friday, April 12, 2013

Whilst the degradation is too high, condx for 50MHz EME still making the grade... Lance W7GJ being 'heard' CQn and also QRZing off the moon.

Fred KH7Y currently trying for Seppo VK9/OH1VR on 50.105MHz CW.. just getting weak 'pings'!
The number '8' has been heard being sent... assuming its Remi FK8CP!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

And just for something completely different... KH9/WA2YUN beacon in again RST 519.

Watching SpecLab... a few JA's calling Fred KH7Y on 50.105... nothing of Fred here (yet).

TEP condx this afternoon are quite poor. JA2IGY beacon 50.010MHz just holding in at RST51.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fred KH7Y just audible on 50.105 CW

Just walking back up the paddock and took this photo of Tower #1 (5el 14MHz & 9el 50MHz yagi + 75m 1WL loop). Tower #3 (VHF/UHF/uWave) just visible to the left.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

TEP condx now established with R1 and CCTV video's romping in

Traces definition increasing on SpecLab... two distinct traces ~30HZ apart. Not CW, and not HC1MD.

Getting a weak trace on 50.102MHz with yagi QTF 90...
Rick HC1MD quoted as CQn at this time!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Been lots of talk about using the YU1EF spec coils in the 50MHz QRO LPF to increase the level of harmonic rejection, so today finally got around to installing the coils.
Would be nice to so a sweep and compare the K1WHS version to this... so I've kept the K1WHS coils so I can do that at a later date!
Seems this cycle has more than peaked... Bob ZL1RS created this little pic to assist us all!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

EA8CK reportedly CQn on 50.107 at this time... was this trace EA8CK?
Updated at 2152z: trace continues to come up, but with yagi moved more toward QTF 120 it became a continuous line.... a 'birdie' being generated from towards Brisbane city!
A good start to the morning... scatter from Remi FK8CP up to RST529

KH9/WA2YUN bcn from Wake Is in again..............Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Updates: 1105z and the KH9/WA2YUN beacon is still in 519.... longest and loudest the beacon has ever been heard here..... still no human worked.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Need help identifying a CCTV carriers location.... 49.743268MHz

What a night of propagation and frustration!

First KH9/WA2YUN beacon on 50.014 is heard....
Then Colin KH9/WA2YUN appeared on SSB 50.120 up to RS52 but not able to raise a response from him to my calls. Being able to claim a new DXCC again missed, but closer than ever before.

Now the propagation has switched towards China, and have been hearing Li BA4SI on 50.110 up to RS52 working VK6OC, and now CQn on 50.105 with a weaker JA signal also present.