
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Totally non-radio related, but early this morning I was kept awake by the koala's rutting, so went looking to see if I could spot them in the trees at the back of our block. It only took a few minutes and I found a male in a small tree.

Unfortunately he had very bad conjunctivitis, so the koala rescue was called.

He's going to the koala hospital and then will be release here again on Mon or Tue next week.

Remi FK8CP now RST529 on scatter with yagi QTF 90.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

And Remi FK8CP CQn again at 2253z.

Remi FK8CP CQn 50.110.600

An interesting morning. 28MHz condx have been superb, with LP open to EU. A number of stations worked with RS59 signals. The most surprising of them was Ralph DK3MH, running just 100w into a magnetic loop antenna. Fantastic to work a small station over the long path.

Whilst 10m was open I monitored 49.750 for TV signals via the LP... not sure why, just did! What I have discovered were some digital and video like signals emanating from a QTF of 120. The following shows one of them with 100Hz sidebands.

And while finishing up a QSO with WP4ONJ a big MS burst of CW on 50.110600MHz... didn't copy who it was as I was wearing the HF headset!

Just had a quick burst from FK8SIX on 50.080.

Weak 'birdie' slowly shifting QRG across 50.110MHz.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Things are on the up!

This morning Andy YS1AG reported the E51USA beacon and Phil TI7/N5BEK reported ZL TV video... only a few weeks to equinox and the 6m band firing (I live in hope).

Friday, August 24, 2012

MS activity is very low. Monitoring VK5RBV at present and the duration of pings are extremely short, and not conducive for completing MS as seen in this screen grab.

But on occasions weak burns of around 10 to 15 seconds are heard, but the frequency of these are approx once every 15min, as shown below

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The coming equinox can't arrive soon enough!

Band still dead, with few signals about. John VK4ZJB was scouring various QRGs looking for a contact, as can be seen by the peaks at 50.110, 50.145 and 50.200MHz in the Spectrum Scope shot below:

Interesting TV video being heard at present.Assuming it's originating in VK, but can't be 100% sure. 55.239.955MHz 50Hz....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bursts if CCTV coming in...

Been very quiet of late on 6m... but today have left the radio monitoring 49.750MHz in the hop of hearing the first signs of improved TEP condx, and either the R1 or CCTV video carriers. Gary VK8AW in Darwin has also been reporting some of the 49.750MHz TV video over the last hour.

From approx. 0300z today a carrier on 49.750.050 has been pulsing in and out, and just in the last 15 minutes has been holding up for durations of more than 30sec, like shown in the following screen grab:

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I've been monitoring VK5RBV 50.315MHz for the last 30 minutes... no scatter, no MS pings. Yawn!

But at 2204z a 10sec burn.... then nothing.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beautiful day outside, but spent much of the last 2 hours monitoring for D64K (Comoros Island) on our moon set.... unfortunately nothing heard here.

Monday, August 13, 2012

6m remains deadly quiet. Whilst John VK4CY on Bribie Island (just 40km from me) is reporting ZL3SIX at 429, I have no ZL TV video at 45MHz and now sign of the beacon... just a birdie as seen in the following:

Been very quiet on 50MHz for a week or so... but very happy to be hearing CCTV coming in at present. Although weak, both Yongcheng Henan 49.750058 and Rizhao Shandong 49.749962are pulsing in and out leaving good traces on SpectrumLab.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Welcome QSL cards arrived in post a couple of days back... HK0NA Malpelo Island DXpedition 2012. Confirming contacts from 10m to 20m inclusive.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The first 50MHz TEP to follow our winter reached QG62lp today... worked just under 30 JA's on 6m. A happy way to finish the weekend.