
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The scatter path to FNQ continues... VK4RTL a 'good' signal again.

Some scatter about today. VK4RTL has been a constant, albeit very low level, signal this morning.

But what has had me most intrigued is the interesting effect on John VK4ZJB's SSB signal today... note the constant carriers approx 30Hz apart that are present during his modulated signal.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weak sporadic Es link between VK4 and ZL forming... Hedgehope (RE43RX) TV video carrier on 45.250 in, with a weak trace of teh KauKau video ~20Hz lower visible.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Haven't ventured into the shack since Tuesday... damn flu (or what ever I have)!

Whilst there was a few interesting reports from propagation yesterday, this morning MS and Es have prevailed. Currently FK8SIX/B is chirping away at a steady RST539.... an interesting effect from the FSK beacon on SpoecLab!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Over the last couple of days (besides coughing and spluttering) I've concentrated my efforts towards 6m EME, and whilst I've heard Lance W7GJ a couple of times off the moon, I've not been successful in completing any of the skeds that were established at both MR and MS.Following is a screen grab of Lance calling George VK4AMG yesterday.

But just monitoring MR this morning while Hal N7NW and John VE1ZF were running, this unusual carrier was observed just above 50.190MHz. Normally monitoring this on SpecLab it's a stable trace, but this morning it had other ideas. Am non the wiser on what it is from. It's not audible, but it's always there!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Missed moon rise this morning (need to set alarm for tomorrow) but have enjoyed watching Lance W7GJ trying for CP6UA.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Prevailing conditions continue to be poor... monitoring VK5RBV this morning and the 'pipeline' seems to be there.. a constant very low level signal with MS enhancements. Best was this captured at 2219z the start of a 60 sec burn.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

6m burst into life this afternoon with Es cloud covering much of the SE corner of VK... after a couple of initial SSB contacts, WSPR was run.... producing some very strong 'contacts' with just 10w TX including Bob ZL1RS.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Another incredible day of Summer Es and Au in the Northern Hemisphere... and you can see what 's been worked down here!

Map courtesy of ON4KST
Yawn... how I long for the return of decent propagation. I left the 6m station this morning monitoring WSPR, and just came into shack to notice a very interesting effect on the last visible transmission from George VK4AMG.

I'm assuming it's the impact of a plane creating a multi-path effect (as has been seen on FSK between here and Phil VK4FIL), but since George and I are just on 4.2km apart the plane must have been close!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

As we sit here, the doldrums of the mid-Winter Es has truly set the scene for the Southern Hemisphere. But to the contrary has been the activity today in the Northern Hemisphere.... makes what few openings we've had down here pale into insignificance.

Map courtesy of ON4KST

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Been a couple of weeks since my last post. Some what related to the level of propagation that we've been experiencing here in QG62lp.

This morning (UTC) was monitoring 50MHz WSPR whilst George VK4AMG was running with Leigh VK2KRR and Rob VK1KW... whilst George was understandably strong, just scattery traces of what was most likely VK2KRR in the 0112, 0118 and 0126z slots (as seen in the screen grab below).