
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Orionids meteor shower 'turned up' and played today... some good Qs completed. Here's Sunday morning's summary.

Worked were:
Peter VK5PJ @ 1921z (RS54) 1547km
Dave VK7DD @ 1924z (RS51)  1,683km

Norm VK3DUT @ 1943z (RS52) 1,253kmDave VK7DD @ 1945z (RS57)  1,683km
Brad VK2QO @  2040z (RS51) 826km
I have been planning on installing a new 5 element 10m mono-band yagi, and it was to be installed on the 17m Hills tower in readiness for this years CQWW.

But bad WX over the last month has meant that time has not been kind to me. So taking a hit and ignoring my pride this morning I I installed on the small tower that holds my 5 element 15m mono-band yagi.... it's only temporary!

Getting ready to install... ride-on trailers come in so handy!

In its temporary new home!
I had expected conditions on 50MHz MS to have been OK today as we were starting to pas through the Oriodnids shower. But it started very slowly, but finished reasonably good wit a number of completed Qs delivering good signal strengths!

Here's this morning's summary
Norm VK3DUT @ 1913z (RS55) 1,253km
Peter VK5PJ @ 1918z (RS51) 1547km
Peter VK5PJ @ 1930z (RS57) 1547km
Dave VK7DD @ 2024z (RS51)  1,683km
Frank VK7DX @ 2024z (RS55) 1,719km
Brian VK4EK @ 2039z (RS51) 676km

Heard at times were:
Brad VK2QO

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Very poor conditions this weekend for 50MHz MS. Whilst there were a few completed Qs reported, the numbers were well down on normal.

Worked Sunday morning was:
Peter VK5PJ @ 2026z (RS51) 1,547km

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Limited 50MHz MS activity this morning... got distracted when I realised that FK8CP was working Central America... Remi FK8CP was a good RST519 on scatter with MS enhancements, and I was convinced I heard TI7/N5BEK!

List following is what was worked via MS this morning:
Brad VK2QO @ 1947z (RS55) 826km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2019z (RS51) 1,253km
Frank VK7DX @ 2031z (RS51) 1,719km

Will be monitoring the path across the Pacific today... great early indications!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Following is a summary of 50MHz MS activity for the week ending October 7 (UTC).

Friday Oct 7 (AEST)

50MHz MS conditions were very poor.. only one Q completed in the time I had available.

Worked was:
Frank VK7DX @ 1956z (RS53) 1,719km

Saturday Oct 8 (AEST)
A large approaching thunderstorm provided heaps of QRN, but two Qs were completed before the lightning got too close.

Worked were:
Norm VK3DUT @ 1942z (RS52) 1,253km
Peter VK5PJ @ 1947z (RS51) 1,547km

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bit the bullet and introduced a new rig to the shack.... an IC-7600. The 1st new rig in the shack for years!

Monday, October 3, 2011

A quick summary of 50MHz operations last two days...

Monday Oct 2

No MS worked, but during the afternoon TEP opening I ran 6m WSPR and 'completed' with JG1KGS... see screenshot below of the first RX report.

Confirmation of just how much drift was received from JG1KGS, with this scree grab from the JA end of the path.

Tuesday Oct 3

50MHz MS conditions were still poor.. Frequent short pings from the VK7 stations were heard that produced delivered single letters/syllables. But one good burn was experienced producing a couple of completed Qs. Worked were:

Frank VK7DX @ 2018z (RS52) 1,719km
Joe VK7JG @ 2018z (RS51) 1,651km

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Poor 50MHz MS condx continued into Sunday morning... worked were:

Peter VK5PJ @ 2036z (RS52) 1,547km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2110z (RS57) 1,547km

TEP condx returned just on midday, with 26 x JA and 1 x HL stations worked.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Holidays interrupted the normal 50MHz MS operations from VK4CZ, but even still I did get the chance during that time only had on opportunity to operate portable from a couple of locations. Here's a photo of the operating location at St George... right on the banks of the Balonne River.

Ozi-Pole (white coloured dipole) just above roof of Patrol.

Since being back 50MHz MS condx have been very poor. Here's a quick summary:

Friday 29 Sept. Worked were:
Dave VK7DD @ 2044z (RS51) 1,683km
Frank VK7DX @ 2044z (RS55) 1,719km
Dave VK7DD @ 2045z (RS52) 1,683km

Saturday 30 Sept. Worked  was:
Frank VK7DX @ 2059z (RS51) 1,719km