
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

50MHz MS were not what was to be expected from the Southern Delta Aquariids shower, but some very good bursts were experienced and resulting in a few completed Qs . Here's the total of yesterdays activity.

Saturday July 30
Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2003 (RS52) 826km
Trevor VK3VG @ 2048 (RS51) 1,242km
Brian VK4EK @ 2109 (RS51) 676km
Norm VK3DUT @ 2114 (RS55) 1,253km

It was also great to work Trevor VK3VG from Kyabram for the first time via meteor scatter.
Gees... I've just been called banana's due to the drift in my WSPR signal on 10m.... at least I can be proud of it!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Condx for 50MHz MS remained poor this weekend, and only one good Q completed. Here's the sum total of the weekends MS activities.

Saturday July 23
Worked was
Joe VK7JG @ 2106z (RS59)

Heard was:
Brad VK2QO (RS51) 826km

Sunday July 24
Heard was:
Brad VK2QO (RS51) 826km

Monday, July 18, 2011

Some interesting effects on the 10m WSPR signals reported over the weekend between Phil VK4FIL and myself with dramatic variations in signal being seen.

VK4FIL as rx'ed at VK4CZ

VK4CZ as rx'ed by VK4FIL

The effect is thought to have been due to planes crossing mid-point between the two stations, but any other thoughts would be appreciated.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Whilst condx on 50MHz MS were poor, some very good bursts were noted and a few good Qs completed. Here's the sum total of the weekends activities.

Saturday July 16
Worked were:
Darrell VK2BLS @ 2029 (RS57) 824km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2133z (RS55) 1547km

Heard was:
Brad VK2QO (RS51) 826km

Sunday July 17
Worked were:
Peter VK5PJ @ 2109z (RS51) 1547km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2110z (RS57) 1547km

Friday, July 15, 2011

Nothing to report last weekend... spent the time in glorious Townsville at the V8 Supercar racing!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday morning 50MHz MS was not a whole lot different to Saturday, with the Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower only producing short burns and few good quality Qs.

Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2050z (RS51) 826km

Peter VK5PJ @ 2143z (RS55) 1547km

Heard was also (and for a special mention)
Brian VK4EK 676km

Later in the day a Sporadic E opening also allowed me to complete my first ever 50MHz WSPR contact with Glenn VK7AB:

2011-07-03 04:38 VK7AB 50.294581 +8 0 QE37ne 5 VK4CZ QG62lp 1798 19
2011-07-03 0504 11 -0.3 50.294473 4 VK4CZ QG62 40

And since then I've been running WSPR across a range of HF bands.... with 20m (currently running) producing the best results as can be seen with the following screen grab.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday morning was a little quiet, with the Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower producing short burns that produced a few good quality Qs.

Worked were:
Norm VK3DUT @ 2054z (RS55) 1253km
Joe VK7JG @ 2116z (RS55) 1651km
Peter VK5PJ @ 2143z (RS55) 1547km

Heard was also:
Brad VK2QO 826km