
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Friday, March 25, 2011

This morning's 50MHz MS was slow going with a few rocks producing short pings and bursts, but few long enough to enable competed Qs.

Only one completed contact:

Frank VK7DX @ 2006z (RS51)

Monday, March 21, 2011

The 49.750MHz TV Video signals that eminate from Asiatic Russia and China are a well known prop indicator for TEP paths. Here's a video of the UA TV (Russia) video taken on March 13, 2011.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Whilst this mornings 50MHz MS activity which produced lot's of pings, few Qs were completed.

Worked were:
Brad VK2QO @ 2026z (RS51)
Norm VK3DUT @ 2040z (RS55 - 57)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2127z (RS51)

Heard only were:
Gavin VK3HY

Friday, March 18, 2011

Apparently we're passing through the peak of the gamma Normids, beta Leonids, delta Mensids and the eta Virginids showers!

But on a morning that started slowly with few contacts, some great 50MHz MS contacts with good strength have been completed. Here's a quick summary:

Brad VK2QO @ 1943z (RS57)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2023z (RS51)
Peter VK5PJ @ 2041z (RS59)
Norm VK3DUT @ 2049z (RS51)
Norm VK3DUT @ 2055z (RS55 - 59)
Joe VK7JG @ 2133z (RS52)
Joe VK7JG @ 2134z (RS57)
Frank VK7DX @ 2134z (RS55)

Also heard (many times) but not worked this morning included:

Gavin VK3HY (CW)

Friday, March 11, 2011

This mornings 50MHz MS provided some reception reports, but no completes!

Both Frank VK7DX and Brad VK2QO were heard calling CQ, but Joe VK7JG was best signal with both Joe and I hearing each other however we were still unable to complete. Maybe tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Saturday's TEP opening was an entre into another on Sunday. Whilst not as wide spread, and the signals not as strong the thrill of working TEP was still there... albeit a little more contained.

And, with XV1X being reported Monday afternoon working JAs the thoughts of more TEP and the potential for F2 paths opening as the cycle improves inspiring - almost.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Very quiet condx this morning on 50MHz MS...only the one completed QSO with Frank VK7DX @ 2028z (RS51).

Saturday afternoon the TEP on 50MHz between JA and VK was very good. Just over 60 JA stations worked in about 45 minutes with signals between RS55 and RS59++. Starting 0516z JA call areas 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 were worked - station shut down at 0549z but band remained open for at least another hour.

Great fun, and a reminder of what 6m DX'ing is all about!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Good condx on 50MHz MS this morning, regardless of the fact that we are not in a typically good shower period.

Complete Q's were made with: Brad VK2QO @ 1946z (RS51); Joe VK7JG @ 2019z (RS52); Norm VK3DUT @ 2021z (RS53) and Frank VK7DX @ 2029z (RS51).

Other stations heard by not completed with were John VK2FAD, and VK2KDP (first time heard on 6m MS).