
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

50MHz MS condx today favoured longer haul contacts, but even these were few and far between... partly due to limited numbers of active stations.

Stations worked today include Frank VK7DX @ 2015z (RS51), David VK3AUU @ 2059z (RS57), Frank VK7DX @ 2102z (RS51) and David VK1DJA @ 2119z (RS51) [was great to work Dave again - our last contact was Dec 2009 via Es].

Also heard this morning were the following stations: VK2QO, VK2FA, VK2FAD, and VK4WTN. But all of these stations were under 900km paths and produced only short pings, with no sustainable burns to enable completes.
The start of some good news for 6m operators...

Finally some action from Steve Conroy Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy in regard to the switch off of the analogue low band TV transmitters:

So when will RTQ go QRT?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A thunderstorm Tuesday afternoon took out the broadband internet capabilities at our local exchange, and I ran MS this morning without the aid of VKLogger and I wasn't concentrating as much as usual.

Conditions weren't as good as the passed few mornings. Brad VK2QO was first to be rx'ed RS57 @2035z with a short burn, but was not completed. Frank VK7DX was worked at 2042z (RS51), then a series of very strong but short pings heard that included David VK7DD @ 2043z (RS55), VK7DX @ 2046z (RS52), Norm VK3DUT @ 2046z (RS52) and Joe VK7JG @ 2225z (RS54). and Frank VK7DX worked again @ 2234z (RS53).

Will be active again tomorrow.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Conditions this morning were very interesting. Lots of low level signals heard, with MS enhancements adding significantly to the signal levels.

First in the session worked was Norm VK3DUT @ 2025z (RS59) followed immediately by Frank VK7DX @ 2025z (RS55). David VK7DD worked at 2038z (RS55 - RS59 rpt rx'ed) and Frank VK7DX again @ 2040z (RS57).

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A rare treat not to be in the office and active on a Monday morning. I will be active most mornings for the remainder of this week too (in between work around the block)!

Lively condx this morning on 50MHz MS....

Conditions started as normal with a completed contact with David VK3AUU at 2006z (RS51), then followed by Frank VK7DX 2011z (RS51).

When I worked Frank VK7DX again at 2128z signals were starting to peak with an RS57. At 2118z things got really exciting, with Norm VK3DUT worked RS57, David VK3AUU RS57 and VK7DX and VK4EK all heard. Burn lasted nearly 1.5 minutes.
Conditions Sunday morning took their time to build. Many short pings reported including VK2QO, VK7DX and VK2BLS (CW) but no completes until 21:11z with Frank VK7DX (RS52), followed by David VK7DD (2117z), Peter VK5PJ (2127z) and VK7DD again (2138z).

Friday, September 24, 2010

MS activity on 50MHz this morning started with both VK2RHV and VK2RSY beacons being rx'ed. Soon after Frank VK7DX worked for the first time at 2050z (RS52) followed by contacts at 2112z (RS52) and 2144z (RS55). No other stations heard or worked.

With vklogger suffering a server fault midway through the period an immediate lack of activity ensued. Just goes to show how dependent we've all become to that service!

Friday, September 17, 2010

50MHz meteor scatter this morning has been less that satisfying. First worked Frank VK7DX at 2041z and again at 2038z, followed by VK5PJ (2107z) and VK3DUT (211z). Few others heard.
OMG....check this link out!
Amazing tower climb

Friday, September 10, 2010

An interesting start to the mornings 50MHz MS prop.... lots of good RS51 signals, but pings too short to enable completed Q's. Finally burns lengthened to sustain complete Qs.

David VK3AUU, Norm VK3DUT and Frank VK7DX all worked. Brad VK2QO also heard. Also good to see local activity with Wayne VK4WTN and Ron VK4CRO calling.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Conditions again for 50MHz MS were less than favorable. Whilst many signals were received, few contacts were completed. Only successful two-way Q made from here was Frank VK7DX (2110z). VK2QO and VK2FA were both heard but not worked.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Yawn.... very quiet on 50MHz MS this morning. Brad VK2QO heard regularly, a couple of short pings from Frank VK7DX but nothing from the other VK3s and VK7s at all. Hopefully tomorrow is better!