
Tower 1

Tower 1
Tower 1: Main tower supporting 50MHz 6M2WLC yagi, 14MHz 5 element yagi and 75m full wave loop.
Please note that all times are in UTC. As such comments relate to the next morning/day AEST unless otherwise stated.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A slower start to 50MHz MS today on 50.200MHz. Lots of very short pings with few long enough for a complete Q to be held. Norm VK3DUT worked at 2013z, followed by Brad VK2QU (2014z) David VK3AUU (2035z), Peter VK5PJ (2110z) and Frank VK7DX (2133z).

I monitored the digital activity on 50.230MHz for a while... David VK3AUU was a good signal with regular decodes seen.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Got the day started with a good opening on 75m to Europe lasting between 2000z and 2020z. Worked OK2RZ, EW3EW, OT4A, OE3DIA, UN4AW, YL3FT, I5ZSS and DL8OH, with signals fading soon after sunrise.

Followed by fantastic conditions on 6m MS. VK2QO first worked at 2028z followed by VK7DX and VK3DUT. Groundwave, scatter Es and AE modes also played a part with VK2OT (worked), VK4SSB/2 and VK2FA all heard very regularly. Great participation this morning with the most number of stations heard. Dave VK7DD also heard regularly but all pings too short to complete. Peter VK5PJ also worked at RS59 - burn lasted long enough for 3 overs as well as Alan VK4WR to complete - amazing!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today's morning MS 'skeds' started well. David VK3AUU was immediately workable (2105z) - and great to hear David back on air again after his travels. Alan VK4WR and I tag teamed calling with antenna's south. Brad VK2QO was worked (2120z). Frank VK7DX heard, but by 2125z not worked.

Dave VK7DD was heard regularly until 2150z, but not worked. Short pings and Dave's longer call sequences prevented any completes.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Not a good morning, very few MS enhancements. Norm VK3DUT worked (2132z) and Brad VK2QO heard on numerous occasions but no completes.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The 'gods' aren't being too kind this morning for MS prop. Very few enhancements that have produced workable burns. Brad VK2QO and Frank VK7DX worked pre 2115z. The period 2115 to 2145z has so far been very poor. Some fwd scatter type propagation producing very low level signals, but little else.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wow what a start to the morning (pre 2100z).... Norm VK3DUT worked at RS51, then Glenn VK7AB at RS55 and Frank VK7DX at RS57...... and still 30 minutes before be the peak!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Public holiday in BNE for Ekka, and what better way to enjoy it with a spot of 50MHz MS!

So far this morning (2050z) Frank VK7DX, Brad VK2QO and Brian VK4EK worked. RX only reports received from John VK2EME and Darrell VK2BLS.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

40m opened up LP to EU and SP to W this afternoon (0530 - 0630z) with great signals well before sunset. GW, OA and Ws worked. Great way to spend the 30 minutes in between doing chores ;-)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Improved condx after 2100z. Peter VK5PJ worked, and for some time was hearing Peter every time he called. VK2QO also heard more regularly - but not worked. Joe VK7JG worked at RS51.
Condx so far this morning on 50MHz MS are disappointing (2030z). Frank VK7DX worked, and rx reports shared, but no other two way contacts.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Good conditions this morning on 50MHz MS, even though my available time was limited. Frank VK7DX was worked RS57, and Norm VK3DUT also worked RS59. Glenn VK7AB reported hearing me. Alan VK4WR also participated this morning and worked Norm VK3DUT.